In my previous post, I eluded to the fact that there has been a lot that contributed to my weight gain. I also barely touched on so many different topics, I feel that each unfinished thought deserves a blog or explanation.
In December of 2014, I was promoted and moved to the Sacramento area. We knew that the promotion and move were coming but as my official start date came closer, we were unprepared. We had made several trips to the area to find housing, however had failed. We did not know how competitive the housing market is here. Eventually my start date came and I moved in with my grandmother while my family stayed in the Salinas Valley. Although I was familiar with the company, the position was brand new to me. I was an Administrator for a Mental Health Facility. When I moved to the area it was a 16 bed facility and while I was there it grew to be 28 beds, with more beds planned to open in the immediate future.
I worked, a lot, and when not working I was house hunting. I desperately missed my family and cried from King City to Fremont the day I left. The tears did not abate, it took a month for me to find housing and get my family moved to the area. I was FaceTiming my husband every night, crying and trying to figure out how I could keep pushing ahead when I felt so alone and overwhelmed.
Since graduating from college I have chose to dedicate my life to helping the mentally ill, it is not a decision that I regret, ever. I have worked with children and adults, and I find my job rewarding and fulfilling. That being said, it can be very stressful. I have been in many different roles with two different companies. Expectations are exceedingly high, and for good reason. Our consumer is one of the most under served populations around. Along with keeping our clients, happy and healthy we are also subject to State Licensing expectations, add on to that the company expectations and the pressure was relentless.
I was on call 24/7, even when I wasn't on call. I went to work on my days off because the State would make surprise visits. I took calls and text messages from the owners of the company day and night. I was a slave to my phone, constantly reading and responding to emails, making sure that I always had it in my hand, in my pocket or in my purse. I never begrudged my role as Administrator, in fact I loved it. I knew what I was signing up for, but eventually the pressure became too much from me.
As I mentioned before I started having health issues. Almost all of my health issues were related to stress. I was losing my hair and packing on the weight. Before becoming an administrator I was a residential counselor, as a residential counselor I moved around a lot, my whole day was spent on my feet. With my promotion I had become much more sedentary and more prone to snacking and eating my feelings. I had tried on several different occasions to improve my eating habits, without incorporating any exercise, however I wasn't committed. I was too stressed and did not give myself enough time to really focus on it. I did discover a few different places that I like to eat, that could be healthy if you made the right choices, one was Vibe Health Bar in Oak Park, close to where I worked. Vibe has some of the most creative and delicious smoothies that I have ever tried, one of them is called City of Trees. The other location I discovered was Anna's Vegan Cafe, I am not a vegan, not even close, but I really enjoyed the food there. If I could afford to be a pescetarian, that would be ideal for me.
I went on like this for nearly two years. I was becoming really unhappy, where I used to love to go to work, I was now dreading it. The company and the clients deserved better and luckily an opportunity arose for me to go back to working with kids, so I resigned. I truly do miss some of my co-workers from that facility and really miss some of the clients. In this industry we are never supposed to have our favorites when it comes to clients, but we all do. Some clients just have a way of working themselves into your heart, even when you have really good boundaries.
With my resignation I now feel like I have more time for myself and my family. I missed so much while working with the other company. Family parties, holidays, parent teacher conferences. Very recently I have completely forgotten about my phone, leaving it in my car, leaving it in the bedroom for most of the day, to be fair I also now have an iPad that I utilize for all my social media and it is a big part of my weight loss plan/routine. I'll soon have a blog all about technology and weight loss. I have made myself a commitment that I will spend time on myself in the form of a gym session 6/7 days a week. A friend of mine likes to add #strongmom to her fitness posts and pictures, I realized that's what I want to be. Being a strong mom means being strong physically and mentally strong, being present for my family and children. Just because I changed jobs does not mean that I don't have stress anymore, but I can tell you that I am coping better with the stress that I do have.
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