Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Yoga Dreams

As I restart my fitness journey I have rekindled my love for yoga. This has caused me to aspire to be bad ass in yoga. Nothing like a vague fitness goal to keep me practicing. I know that I need more than yoga to get into shape. I also utilize my eliptical for cardio and do Yoga Meltdown,  that is instructed by the charmingly sadistic Jillian Michaels. As I attempt to contort my body into various different positions, engaging my core, melting my heart to the sky or earth and practicing my breath; I find complete peace. After my first yoga workout I promptly fell into a deep and heavy sleep and woke up with a sore core and shoulders.

So, what does it mean to become bad ass in yoga...does it mean doing the flying pigeon or perfecting various feats of strength?  In truth I do want to become a full yogini and I don't know how realistic that is. For now I will settle into the routine of daily yoga and know that every day I practice, I improve.